Monday, October 7, 2019

Freedom Writers Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Freedom Writers - Movie Review Example Freedom Writers is a movie, which is based on the racial and ethnic conflicts that make people fight with each other. Hilary Swank played the role of a motivational teacher whose name was Erin Gruwell. Gruwell was appointed at Wilson High School in 1994 to teach freshman English to the students. Memories of the 1992 riots were still fresh in the minds of the students. The class was full of troublesome students who had formed small gangs based on their races. Gruwell made her efforts to eradicate the feelings of hate and detestation from the minds of the students in order to make them productive citizens of the society. She used an exceptional approach to teach her students the value of peace. She asked students to write personal diaries regarding what they feel about each other and what they have suffered during riots. She used those diaries to teach her students. The film typically relates to the economy of race. Formation of aggressive gangs and riots represent racial aggression of the people. Racial discrimination occurs when one specific race is given priority on other races. In Freedom Writers, Gruwell kept herself focused towards educating the negative impact of racial conflicts to the students. She kept on telling the students that racial conflicts are never good for a society and the students need to eradicate the feelings of disgust from their minds in order to ensure peace in the society.

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